Word of the Year (A-B-C-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z, now I know my ABCs; next time, won’t you sing with me.)

In January 2023, House Minority Leader (D-N.Y) Hakeem Jefferies (Broooooklynnn) gave an emphatic speech using the 26 letters of the English Alphabet to highlight the values of the Democratic Party. I do not remember the details of his speech, nor any of his alphabetically ordered list of democratic values, but I mostly remember my reaction to the speech.

When I heard it, I was entirely caught off guard. I was not expecting a grown man, a political leader no less, to recite his ABCs on national television, but he did. And it worked. Jefferies’s speech delivered on more ways than one for the Democratic Party, but personally, it reminded me that there is power in simplicity. 

As an avid reader who has also studied writing and literature, then media with a concentration in screenwriting, words are essential to my personal, academic, and professional life. As a Christian, I wholeheartedly believe that words are the building blocks of our world (Genesis 1, John 1:1). The words we say and think about ourselves and others have significant spiritual implications for our lives (Proverbs 18:21). Jefferies’s unconventional ABCs made me think about the simplicity of the ABCs and how impactful they are for a child learning and developing language.

I often contemplate, pray on, and assign a word of the year. I started this practice about five or so years ago, in 2018. In 2023, my shortlisted words for the year were ‘favor,’ ‘freedom,’ ‘alignment,’ ‘trust,’ ‘discipline,’ ‘perseverance,’ ‘preparation,’ and ‘obedience.’ Considering the meanings of these words, you can guess what kind of 2022 I experienced. My 2022 was a whirlwind (mostly positive winds), but I felt restricted and not entirely in the will of God.

Why have a word for the year? One of my favorite content creators and proven success coach, Nicole McLaren-Campbell (IG: @nicolemclarencampbell/@goalaccelerator), says we should consider a word of the year to help focus our mindset and action and serve as a potent reminder when making decisions. She says “A word of the year can also direct/shape our identity and becoming as it brings us closer to what we want and puts us on the frequency of our vision.”

Nicole advises that the best method for choosing a word is to ask ourselves, “What way of being could impact everything in the direction I want, based on where I am and what’s currently on the table?” By this logic, as mentioned above, I narrowed it down to Alignment for 2023 because I believed God was calling me to be aligned with Him based on where I was, what was on the table, and what would impact everything in the direction He wanted.

As I contemplated my word for the year, Jefferies’s ABCs, his willingness to use something considered so elementary to achieve his goal, inspired me to practice my version of the ABCs. Unable to land on just one word, I consulted Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary for 26 that resonated. The process of choosing a word for the year ought not to be rushed. So, just as I did last year and years before, I’ll keep praying and thinking about which one best suits where I am now and where I hope to be 365 ¼ days from now. Help me say my ABCs:

Abide is to accept or act in accordance with. I want to fully accept God’s idea of my life. Enough to flow with it even when it’s a bit too nebulous for my liking.

Balance is defined as stability produced by an even weight distribution on each side of the vertical axis or mental and emotional steadiness. My years are usually imbalanced. I noticed I’ve had smooth first and second quarters for the past few years, but Q3 towards December is always a battle. I want an even distribution of weight. Even if it isn’t all flowery, I at least want the weight to be spread out. I’ll handle it better that way. 

Capacity means having the potential or suitability for holding, storing, or accommodating. I liked this definition because I want more space to receive all the good things stored up for me. 

Devout. To be devoted to a pursuit, belief, or mode of behavior. I aim to be devoted to maintaining and growing my relationship with the Father and others and becoming better at what I do and how I do it. Then just be a more excellent version of myself.

Exceptional is to be better than average or deviating from the norm. I’ve always been unorthodox. So, I want to keep being different and producing work that doesn’t fit the mold most excellently.

Faith. Belief and complete trust in and loyalty to God. Without this, it is impossible to please God, be who I am, and do what I do.

Gainful means to be productive of gain; profitable. I want to produce more fruit in every area of my life. 

Harmonious is having all parts agreeably related. I aim to have all things, not some, but all areas of my life work together for my good. My physical, social, emotional, spiritual, financial, mental, professional, relational, and personal lives must all march in sync, having the same cadence to one sound.

Impactful. Is having the power to affect or produce a marked impression.

Jaunty means having much high-spirited energy and movement: sprightly in manner and appearance. I always want to maintain the fire and energy I have. 

Kaleidoscopic. Marked by a variety of vivid colors. My life ought to be colorful, vibrant, and marked by brightness. 

Lambent. Marked by lightness or brilliance, especially of expression or giving off and reflecting much light. I aim to share the light I carry with others and reflect that same light through my work with the spirit of excellence.

Mindful. Inclined to be aware. I must be present and aware in all circumstances. I aim to be free of distractions in all forms. 

Nervy is to show or express calm courage. After getting to know Jesus, I strive toward embodying that calm courage. There’s so much power in boldness with the absence of violence.

Opportune means to be suitable or convenient for a particular occurrence or especially suited for a certain time. I wanted to be prepared for such a [time] as this. Whichever word I swap out time with, I want to be ready.

Purposeful means complete determination or fully committed to achieving a goal. I’m all in for 2024!!

Q. I refuse to use quintessential. If you have another q word, let me have it.

Resolute is marked by firm determination. See ‘purposeful’ and add tax. 

Sensitive (Spirit-led, more so discerning): calling for tact, care, or caution in treatment or as in keenness to sense slight impressions or differences. I want to be so locked into God that I know the fullness of the whens, wheres, whos, whats, whys, and hows He sees fit to reveal.  

Transformative: causing or able to cause a meaningful and lasting change in someone or something. This ought to be my most defining year yet!

Undaunted: feeling or displaying no fear by temperament or courageously persistent, especially in the face of danger or difficulty: not discouraged. Fear has been my greatest motivator. Contrary to what some may believe, fear has driven me to achieve many feats. However, I no longer want to win because I was playing not to lose but because I was playing to win all along. 

Virtuous: conforming to a high standard of morality or excellent virtue. I can strive toward this. We all should.

Wholeness (as it relates to my well-being and wellness): having all its proper parts or components: COMPLETE, UNMODIFIED, HEALED, INTACT, SOUND. It’s an every-year goal cause this life will work every nerve, cell, and atom.

Xena. I couldn’t find an X word, so I thought of Xena. She was an absolute badass. See ‘undaunted’ on steroids (as in bold, robust, and battle-ready/tested like Xena: Warrior Princes. Y’all remember this show?)

Yielding (as in submissive): disposed to submit or comply or lacking rigidity or stiffness (flexible). Yes to both of these. I’ve always had trouble submitting to authority of any kind. Even God at one point. I want to learn to submit to the proper authority and be flexible in how I view things, people, places, and things. 

Zealous is feeling or showing strong and energetic support for a person, cause, etc., filled with zeal. I want to be zealous about things of God, my tribe, social and global impact, and, of course, setting up my future.  

Suppose you haven’t considered your word of the year. I urge you to. Consider saying your ABCs, or feel free to steal one from my list. If not a word of the year, do some reflecting and praying. Reflect on knowing where you are now and pray that you be guided on your journey to your future destination by the Word that was made flesh and dwelt among us.

You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you, So light will shine on your ways.

Job 22:28 - NKJV

Grace and peace, Friends.

Get Back to the Basics.

